Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yo. Yo.

In two weeks...I'll start my new job!

My negotiating skills? Suck. Auto dealers, salesmen, real estate agents and flea market vendors love me because I never try to get the price down. If it seems fair, I pay it. Last time another company took over our contract and I was offered a smaller salary than expected, I cried and decided to quit because 'counter offer' was a foreign concept.

This time? I asked for 25% more money than I currently make, never realistically expecting them to offer it. They did. And when the woman from HR explained some of the benefits package, I asked if vacation time was negotiable, to which she replied "sure" and added another week. Just like that. She probably pays too much for new cars, too, I'll bet. Suckah!

In two weeks....Crunchy Black's blood will have to be sent again to the lab for FIV (the equivalent of hiv in humans). The results were questionable, so he'll have to be fed separately and sequestered as much as possible while waiting for a retest. There are multiple scenarios, but I'm trying not to obsess until I know something concrete. Who am I kidding?


Haphazardkat said...

Congrats on the job!!
I took notes. I suck at negotiation too!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Indigo. I was suckered at my last job too. When they showed me the salary, I went into seizures. They placed the pen in my hand, and considered the scribble my signature. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

I had no idea that cats could get an HIV disease. Is it spread the same way? I guess not if they want him fed separately. And is that his real name? If it is, I think it's nothing short of genius.

Darren said...

Grats on the new job! Where will it be?

Terri G said...

AWEsome! Congratulations!!

I am on my way to HR right now...

I am hoping for a non-lifethreatening diagnosis on CB.

Joy said...

I'm so proud of you for your hard work on the new job and the negotiations. I'm starting to really rock at negotiating. I totally had to negotiate my way back into work on Friday night after I got fired... ohhh blurry story.
~ Candy

Quindigo said...

Thanks, everyone =:)

Sarah: apparently, it's spread more often by bites - male, unneutered cats and kittens born to fiv positive cats are most susceptible. Crunchy Black is the "licker" of the family, always spreading the love.

Darren: 2 streets over from my current location. Fortunately, I can still feed my feral cats AND keep track of the crackheads that work there now ;)

Mamabooties said...

I am so happy for you. Congratulations.