Friday, October 06, 2006

"I called you and it went straight to voicemail." Yep.

My cell phone, which is also my home phone, has been dead since Wednesday and I'm in no rush to recharge it.

I get like this sometimes, when I'm not able to articulate thoughts, let alone share them with others. It seems much easier to turn inward and avoid people (I wonder if this is what autistic feels like.) If brains are prisons, mine is solitary confinement.

My dad struggles with this, as well, although I always found it a quirky and endearing trait in him. He drove three hours to his neice's wedding reception a few years ago, because he knew he should be there, but he couldn't tolerate the crowd (which was mostly family). He entered the front door, marched though the entire hall, then exited out the back door and returned home. Odd, now, that I should so completely understand.

My ex- used to say to me, "You're going to grow up just like your dad* - alone in a cabin in the woods somewhere, drinking beer."

And? What's so wrong with that?

*he recently got married, moved out of the woods, and switched to whiskey (just kidding).


Anonymous said...

don't forget the firewood, cuz baby it's getting cold outside

Anonymous said...

with a high-powered rifle, bombs and a manifesto?

Anonymous said...

odd, now I feel like I am your father...

Anonymous said...

....and a case of Guinness out in the snow and a Bisongrass optic on the wall.

The unaGuinnesser?

Anonymous said...

I like a little more control than that. My phone rings, alright, but *I* decide if I want to talk to you or not.

Screening, elitism -- call it what you will. But I like it.

(Maybe you could add "lazy" to those choices. I've been known to call my home phone -- FROM MY DRIVEWAY -- to ask a question of my children. I guess "pathetic" should be on that list, too.)

Have a good weekend, Friend.

Hahah! Word verification of the day:



Anonymous said...

I think we all get that way sometimes and want to be left alone with our thoughts and have a little quiet time. Take all the time you need!

My goodness if we did not have those little breaks, life would be insane.


Mamabooties said...

My parents used to call my phone I had in my bedroom from the pool to tell me to make them more margaritas. I get like that too, hell I am afraid of the world from all the frustrated pain I have been in the last few years.

Sarah said...

My post disappeared. Friggin karma.

Anyway, love your beta. I'm happy to see that not only did you make the switch, but you did so beautifully. Looks lovely in here.

Terri G said...

Sometimes I don't answer the phone because I can't make those happy, friendly sounds with my mouth at that time. I can call them back later when I have my act together.

LOVE your template. LOOOOVE IT!!

patresa hartman said...

oh man. i identify with this very very keenly. very. turning inward. yes. i have noticed even more the past month or so how increasingly hard it gets to leave the house.

and, i also want to tell you that i toured dachau on my 24th birthday. not much of a birthday celebration, but i recognize the photo.

Haphazardkat said...

Right there with you. I go months without talking to people whom I love. It's unexplainable. It just feels (at times) like I'm wading though mental molasses and just can't make myself reach out to them. I'm not depresses..just, detached during those times.

kittycatlane said...

I have a brother who's very intelligent and artistic, even as a little boy he would take time to go outside, walk and think. Most of the family used to make fun of him, but I understand. I too need some quiet time to reflect, relax, or maybe not even think at all.
How you doing? BIG HUGS, Steph

Quindigo said...

Hmmm...I think switching to Beta gave me an extra dose of "anonymous" comments. Suh-weet.

Brenda: still in the 80's here!

Jock: how about snacks, a bb gun, and a blog?

Darren:...uh, tell me a story? ;)

Monty: is that with one "n" or two? ;)

Kay: what did people do before cell phones and caller i.d., anyway?

Michelle: at least I'm good company for myself and never use the last of the roll of toilet paper. ;)

Leah: I might have you beat - I call my son at WalMart.

Sarah & Terri: Thanks - change is good, or so I've heard.

P: eerie, wasn't it? It seemed like the sadness and pain were still in the atmosphere somehow and that you should whisper. Powerful place, but you're right: not a great place for ice cream and cake. :)

Kat: yes, exactly: detached.

Steph: I think some people just need solitude to recharge...or don't want to share the remote ;)

tsduff said...

Uh - so what exactly IS wrong with that? Nothing, in my book :-D