5/06 - 10/22/06
While it's not my intention to start an online cat obituary log (catobitog?), I have to mention the frail, sweet Bowie, who entered my life, and heart, this summer. She was the runt of my foster cats, surviving every possible illness and recent death of her brother, with an adorable one-eyed sense of sweetness.
When my sister's boyfriend offered to take Bowie in July, I lied and said she had an appointment the following week, so he couldn't have her (I believe I might have some sort of underlying pathological issue. Or two).
My personal veterinarian (ha!) has no clue what's causing the quick, successive deaths of my cats, but sent a blood sample for full screening when I showed up with Crunchy Black (always worth a few snickers when they call out his name in the waiting room and I mumble, "my son named him" as we walk back). He told me he'd like to perform an autopsy on the next one to die, which made for a rather awkward silence. I told him the previous two had died on the weekend and wondered if rigor mortis might affect the body. He told me that I could wrap the body in a plastic bag and put it in my freezer until Monday, when I could bring in the body.
What does one say to that? I feel like I'm stuck in a morbidly bad b-movie written by Stephen King.

Damn. That's what *I* say.
Can you feel my very tight hug that I'm sending you? I'm thinking it so hard right now that my eyes are squinting.
Today's word verification is interesting. I'll let you attach your own meaning:
Oh, Christ. I'm not Anonymous. I'm KAY!
If I hugged you while Kay is huggin you would that be considered a menage a trois?
Must you copy everything I do?
well, except mine said to put them in the refrigerator, not the freezer.
sucks being a ridiculous cat lady, doesn't it? someone has to do it, though. it might as well be people who have heart, who are human.
I was gonna say, I think I've heard someone else go through the very same thing. Blech. I am so so so so so so sorry that you are going through this...again.
You are the true cat warrior. These kitties got to live a very good life because of you, even though it was tragically short.
I'm adding my hug to your weary sad heart.
I don't think I could handle what you are going through. I get so attached to everything and everyone anyway I wouldn't be able to cope. I am so sorry for you.
If I am using my name its cause the signon won't let me log on with my blogger acct.
If only it were just a bad b-movie.
I'm so sorry.
p.s. this is my 3rd attempt at this comment - what the hell am I doing wrong? oy
Oh Indi. It makes me so damn mad that the vets don't know whats going on, for you or Jock.
I'm so sorry you are going through this, but hapkat is right, they at least had a wonderful, love filled life, which they wouldn't have if you hadn't cared so much. I love you Indi, for being so caring. (I know they love you too)
I'm sure you know I'm sorry to hear about your babies. Maybe they'll find something soon. And if they do, please let me know.
I'm so sorry about your sweet kitties.
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