Monday, October 02, 2006

Addison was here.

Parents with many kids always say they love them equally, though perhaps in different ways. I don't buy the Party Line. Of my ten cats, Crackhead Kennedy and four month old Addison have always been more gentle and affectionate. They slept with me, greeted me at the door with a cold beer (not really), and consequently gained exalted "favorite" status.

Addison was lethargic Saturday, but I didn't really notice...he's a cat. Around midnight he started wailing, and when I got closer I could hear his shallow, pained breathing. His eyes were open, staring blankly and I knew there was nothing I could do. He continued having convulsions and crying loudly, as I helplessly held him. The other cats gathered around, equally confused and concerned.

I laid down on the floor beside him, holding his head tenderly in one hand, and petting him with the other, as he passed away. He still twitched, so I kept holding and petting for probably another half hour. To stop would mean giving up, I suppose, and I was clinging to some desperate hope that he would be alright. He wasn't.

I wrapped him tenderly in one of my favorite, softest hand towels and placed him in an empty box, with a lavender rose from my garden and a catnip toy mouse. My son dug the hole next to the pink Camilla bush that's starting to bloom, and we buried him together.

His brother has spent the past two days wandering around the house, crying. I'm equally as subtle, walking around with my puffy eyelids and sobbing whenever I think of him.

The most frightening part is that his death is eerily similar to whatever-still-undiagnosed disease ended Jock's five kittens lives. Another of my cats has similar symptoms and I'm scared to death I'll lose them all.

Addison used to sit on my laptop keyboard when I left for a moment, surprising me with gibberish, pop-up windows and odd searches. This one's for you, sweetie. MMMDHGEHEKLJK. Rest in Peace.


kittycatlane said...

OH Indi, I'm so, so, sorry. You're right, I do love all of mine, but I have a few that are closer to my heart.
You gave him a life. It may have been short, but, you gave him love. If you hadn't rescued him, he never would have known love and would have been alone when he died. You made a difference, and he made a difference in your life. He knows how much you loved him, and miss him. I truly believe that. BIG HUGE HUGS, Steph

Anonymous said...

We too lost a kitten Friday. We have a batch that is 3 weeks old and 2 of them are now gone - of the 4 remaining I'm worried about another one of them who is not looking well as we speak. I understand your fear and I am very sorry you lost a friend.

Anonymous said...

Indi, I am so sorry about Addison. You are such a good mommy...such a huge heroine to those baby kitties. I am proud that you made her remaining days fun and full of love and safety.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I am so so sorry, Indigo. What a beautiful kitty. Oh I hope it's not that same disease as Jock's.

I wish I had comforting words for you. I don't, but I am thinking of you.

monty said...

Well, let's hope the week gets better.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful delivery for such a crappy fact of life.

I'm sorry for you Indigo.

Anonymous said...

Deeply sorry for your loss and here is a small hug for you for what it is worth.

Joy said...

I'm so sorry Indie, I wish there was something I could do.

patresa hartman said...

so so sad. and what a lovely thing to die while being petted affectionately and coo'd over by someone who considers you "favorite."

Anonymous said...

Aww crap Indigo, sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there kiddo.

Anonymous said...

Poop, Indie.

That's all. Just poop. Addison was a lucky kitty.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your kitty. I had to put my cat to sleep a few weeks ago and I'm still trying to recover from it. I hope the other ones stay healthy and happy.

Haphazardkat said...

Ah damn, Indi. This truly sucks. I'm saying a prayer for your remaining babies.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your dear feline friend. I know how much they creep into your heart and become a part of your life. Mine are! I hope the other cats stay healthy. You're in my thoughts sweety.


Anonymous said...

It is so hard to loose a friend, animals become our friends so fast and I can only hope that it doesn't affect any more of your pals... Both you and Jock have been put through hell lately, just know there are people that care for you both.

Many hugs -

Molecular Turtle said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's really hard lossing a pet.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry and I cried again for you and poor dear Addison...I'm so sorry :(