Monday, August 21, 2006

Oops, I think you dropped your conscience...

For anyone who wondered, along with myself, how Monday morning with the boss would was oddly anti-climatic. He apparently accepted my "apology" (yes, I know: my un-apology) and emailed the lamest bunch of excuses in return. Do me a favor and don't complain about our schools if you can't be bothered to pay what you owe.

His email:

Cheating on your taxes can't be that bad of a sin, since 78% of the folks polled do it. Here's some reason why, according to it;

- Everyone does it.
- I overpaid last year, and I'm evening it out.
- I need the money more than the bureaucrats do.
- I refuse to give money to a government that wastes so much money on bureaucracy
- Cheating on taxes is a subversive act. You deprive the government of the funds to finance repression, and you do it anonymously, so you don't become a target.
- Cheating on taxes is part of my ethnic heritage. Everyone in my home country does it. I must be true to my roots.
- Richard Nixon cheated, why shouldn't I?
- We all cheat in different ways. Some buy politicians and have them create loopholes. I'm just taking a more direct route

Couple of those I agree with. When forced to lower my integrity I generally take the route that hurts the least to me or them. I believe you overreacted also with your comment. It's the gov't I've lied to not you!


Terri G said...

Please remind F*cktard that deception is a state of the HEART! ...if he can lie to them, he might as well have lied to you. And with all those excuses, he could very easily justify THAT heinous act, too!

Let me at 'im!


Anonymous said...

I FOUND YOU! I have you set up on RSS and updated your link. Sorry I did not find you sooner.


kittycatlane said...

Justifications eh? LOL If you try hard enough you can justify anything... doesn't make it right. BIG HUGS, Steph
(he's an idiot) lol

Anonymous said...

"I didn't lie to you, baby!" -- sounds like a Springer excuse.

Anonymous said...

He sure defends himself doesn't he!

*rolls eyes*