Tuesday, August 22, 2006

7% solution

Two facts about my father:
1. He rarely (as in never) goes to the doctor. Once when I was seven, during a family meeting with his 10 siblings, he turned grey and blood started squirting out of his nose from his high blood pressure. And then? I'm not sure he did more than grab a towel and tilt his head back.

2. He doesn't buy new vehicles, preferring instead to trade used trucks with his brothers when they're drinking. He did buy a Chevy Citation in 1980 that had no air conditioning, power steering, or brakes (well, it might have had brakes, but he taught me how to drive with it, and I'm quite sure I never used them).

If it's possible to have a complete personality overhaul at age 60, he has, and it started close to two years ago when he married his 3rd wife.

He recently told me he was having surgery on his neck because of a nonspecific lump that didn't cause any pain. I expressed surprise, asking if he thought of getting a second opinion. "I did. The second doctor said, 'sure enough, you have a lump on your neck. That'll be $100.' He is also taking medication for his high blood pressure and has been to the dentist twice this month.

A chronic, lifetime procrastinator, he finished several courses he needed to continue teaching - and the deadline isn't until NEXT SUMMER! He's also put up a few entries in his blog, which is a few more than ever before.

He bought a new fully loaded SUV. A bit too much for him, with it's fancy features and leather interior, but he went a little upscale for his wife, who managed to sideswipe another truck the first week and caused $5,000 worth of damage. The good news is it's fixed in time for them to drive to Alabama to visit me this weekend!

When I asked him if he discovered a new vitamin, he told me that he estimated marriage has made him 7% more productive because now there is a witness whenever he feels like slacking. I have to clean out my spare bedroom before they get here, since it's quite obvious by the piles of clothes, books stuffed in every crevice and assorted mounds of potting soil that I haven't had a witness in years (and no, Monty, that's not a euphemism for anything).


Anonymous said...

Where the heck is HIS blog?? I'd love to read it!

Parents are good things to have around, aren't they? I love the cute things they do, and the way they continue to surprise us with the new things they learn...

I miss mine.

How's the Boy?

Haphazardkat said...

Puts a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Can I get a Witness!!"

Joy said...

Hi dearest, thanks for your kind words.

kittycatlane said...

I envy his new wife, she's found someone who loves her and she's obviously made him want to be, try to be a better person.
I'd love to have that in my life.
Your Dad sounds great, and I think I know him from our "Procrastinator's Semi, or not Semi Annual, Meetings"... maybe, I'll check it out later... LOL BIG HUGS, Steph

Michelle said...

Thanks for your comment.

I read you a lot. I don't comment often. But starting today I will! :)

Have a good visit with your Dad and good luck with cleaning the spare bedroom out.


Anonymous said...

Your early dad sounds like my dad. When I fell down the stairs and crack my chin wide open, he put a couple of bandaids on it. Eesh. How nice that he's met someone who makes his want to be a better person. :)

Terri G said...

Indi, your father gives me hope that procrastination is not a lifetime sentence! All those classes? And MONTHs before they were due? And the Dentist TWICE?! Amazing.

I am an excellent room scourer for the impending visitor if you need help...


Sarah said...

I wonder where you get your quick wit from, Indigo.......

Your dad sounds like such a gas from everything you've posted about him. It's good to see that there's hope for Mark in my later years. I'm sure he could benefit from me having a personality overhaul.

7%- I hope you don't mind if I use that from time to time. How wonderfully true.

jnuts said...

I'd rather just shoot the seven percent solution in my arm. Who cares if productivity floats out the window.

Anonymous said...

You should have a great visit. I don't envy you on the cleaning stuff, I had to do that last year when my father came into town for my brothers wedding. I hate cleaning on a large scale, it's a headache maker if I ever seen one!

Anonymous said...

your dad sounds like a very interesting character. :) i think it sounds like he wants to live longer. that's good!

monty said...

I lost my personality some time ago. Careless of me, I know. If your dad ever gets to the point where he thinks he has an excess put me first in line. Ta.

Anonymous said...

I think once marriage takes over, there might be a chance this could happen to me...OR I'm entirely too selfish for anything that absurd to happen, but I have to say...glad your dad is visiting, going to the doc (for sure) and driving something better tahn a 1980 Chevy truck to come see you.

Anonymous said...

oh gosh, How true. I would be such a slacker if I didnt have witnesses who inspect my home!

Here's a goat for ya

Liv said...

So I guess it would be smart-ass-ish if I mentioned that perhaps Dad's marriage is having a funny way of making you about 7% more productive as well now that you have to clean.....arggghhh. Hope AL is doing well---y'all are probably baking and stewing as much there as we are in GA. Ever'time I think of AL I wish that I had taken a photo of an old sofa sitting on the side of the road by a phone booth. To my husband's up-turned nose query, "What is THAT?", I felt I had to nonchalantly reply---"rest stop--Alabama style."