When it comes to kittens, don't ever say, "What next?!" (or "No, I coudln't possibly take another", for that matter).
It turns out Addison, one-eyed Bowie's "sister", was packing balls in that long grey fur of his. When I noticed his eye getting cloudy, as in a creepy episode of X-Files, I took him to the vet, who informed me that he has a juvenile cataract and is most probably blind in his left eye. There is no link between his cataract and Bowie's corneal ulcer - different mechanism, same result - although at least he'll get to keep the visionless eye.
Over the past six weeks, I've sent three of my veterinarian's children to college with the following kitten maladies:
ulcerated cornea
eyeball enucleation (removal)
staph infection
juvenile cataract
assorted vaccinations
My cousin used to tell me that she wasn't going to the casino in the future - she would just slow down when she drove by and throw money out the window. I suppose it would be littering if I threw pieces of plastic credit cards at Westgate Animal Hospital while cruising past.
Would I be wrong to suggest that you find a very attractive, single vet to trade dating time for feline medical services rendered? If so, I am sorry. But...it just sounds like a reasonable solution...maybe not...
Terri: I'm extremely offended - who cares if he's attractive?! ;)
I really should have been a vet instead of an engineer. I spent about $600 on my cat last week. When I got my last bill I saw the Vet charged me $30 for the 5 minutes he took to answer my questions.
Wow, thats a lot of stuff to have for the vet. It used to cost us a lot to have our Rotts fixed when something happened. My male had gotten poisoning from the stupid ticks we couldn't get rid of and so had to have this drain thing in his tummy with a cone on his head. Poor thing, now they are in a better place the two of them. I agree find a vet to trade services.
They are so precious...and I'm sure much happier with you...with or without their eyes.
Damn, I'm at Target saying, "Well, it's either a roast for the family, or it's this scarf for me and they can have Rice Krispies...again."
When I am reincarnated, I want to come back as either your or Jock's kitty. Don't laugh. It's true.
A fifth kitty has started showing up in our courtyard looking for food. I think he heard from Snicket and Josephine that we are nice to stray kitties. *sigh*
Add us to the list of people with vet bills.
I'll probably come back as a litterbox.
Whiskey, Clint, Brokeback. I wish I could quit you.
Addison is SO cute! I want to just cuddle him to death! Oh, maybe bad choice of words there...
Awww look at those cute faces! How's Bowie doing? She looks good! I agree with Marcie. With you they are loved, what more can any of us ask?
I think you and Jock are wonderful, and have loving hearts, I love ya bunches! BIG HUGS, Steph
The cats are beautiful and they are lucky to be with you.
Have a great weekend!
testing, ok?
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