Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Home Alone

I've come to the conclusion that fellow student, Botox woman, is completely clueless, carrying around her aging and insecurity issues to share with those around her, free of charge. She asked, all in one breath, about when my ex-husband would be back from Iraq, were we going to get remarried, was I moving to Savannah and how much longer would I be staying there, where I currently work?

Inappropriate questions don't bother me (much), so I told her things hadn't worked out with him, and I'd probably stay where I was for two more years until my son graduated high school.

"Oh my God," she said, "aren't you afraid of growing old alone?"

Whoaaaaa. What is this crap assumption that single people are somehow missing out and that one day, if I could only "find someone", my life would be complete and better? Isn't it possible to be singularly self-contained and satisfied? Why would I want to settle, just because I'm afraid of being alone?

If I had the choice, and fortunately I do, I'd rather be alone than lonely (although I wouldn't say no if some guy wanted to sign over his retirement to me). I've done my time - I'm on parole.


Terri G said...

LOL! I bet it is as disconcerting to her that you are a beautiful woman without the insecurity baggage.

Must really p*ss her off way deep down inside, making her say really stupid things.


kittycatlane said...

I can actually feel sorry for her. I know so many people that are terrified to be alone. Personally I know that I will grow old alone, and I'm fine with that. I'd rather be alone than to be with someone who has no respect or real love for me.
How can she think her husband really loves her if she has to change who she is and what she is to keep that "love"?
Nope, nope. If I wanted to have something done (as if I could afford it) then I would, but for me, not for anyone else or to hang onto someone. Sad, just sad.
You're doing great Indi! BIG HUGS, Steph

Anonymous said...

WOAH! Growing old alone?!? So she just ASSUMES that you do not have any friends or anything. Nosy opinionated bi**h


Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with her?

Who SAYS stuff like that??

Give me her name. I'll get to the bottom of this.

Anonymous said...

What planet did she come from anyway? A person can be alone and be totally complete and happy. Some people have it set in there tiny brains that you can only truely be content if you're with someone - being with someone can also make you more lonely (from experience). I wouldn't pay much mind to her antics, clearly she doesn't have a clue. Too bad you can't grow brains from the end of a Botox injection. Not that I'm against fighting aging, but come on! My gawd you have "interesting" people crossing your path in life. :)


Mamabooties said...

I'm scared to be alone and without anyone to help me raise my kids. But if I have to I will. I don't think it is right for her to say something like that to you because your life is what you want to make of it. (Yes Steph I need to take my own advice.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry kiddo, if I just signed away my retirement to someone else. If I'd only known about your desires sooner, perhaps I'd have waited.

Joy said...

You'll always have us!!!

Michelle said...

Lordy, I think she was waaaay too nosy and outspoken. You handled that with more tact than I could have!

I don't know why some people think you cannot live alone and be happy. I was alone for years and happy. It really is a bad thing (very lonely as Stephen said)to be in a relationship with somebody who does not truly love you. (Done that before :-S)

Being happy is really up to one person and that is yourself! ;)

((big hug))

Quindigo said...

Terri: she's not that bright, so I think the stupid things she says aren't necessarily caused by me.

Steph: I agree. There's also such a thing as aging gracefully - which I probably only say since I can't afford all the procedures ;)

AAK: not the same as a MAN, I guess. Today, I think I'll tell her I'm a lesbian, heh.

Kay: see, I knew you'd get it. Sure, we're nosy, but not RUDE. Geez!

Stephen: you say "interesting people"; I say rednecks. ;)

Mayor: an island would be long as there are cats.

Leah: my son's already 16,'s a differenct scenario when they're younger because you tend to put up with more for their sakes.

Mike: DAMMIT! Stick some of it in a Crunch 'n Munch box and send it anyway, huh?

Candy: that's what I'm afraid of! (haha).

Michelle: Agreed. For years I blamed my ex- for making me miserable. Turns out I just hadn't learned to love myself.

plain jane said...

I love it!

...aren't you afraid?


That kind of question makes me CRAZY. Most of the time the person asking is unhappily married or otherwise commited and I have to bite my tongue to stop from asking if they aren't afraid of growing old with someone they hate. Maybe I'll find someone. Maybe I won't. In the meantime, I'm not stressing about it. At least I like myself!

You've done your time. You're on parole. Very nice.