Saturday, August 05, 2006


Each year, I'm drawn to the big, bold blooms of the hibiscus. I inevitably buy one, plant it, then say my goodbyes in the fall when the cold weather kills it.


Sarah said...

The colors are gorgeous. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Too beautiful for prime time ... you must be an orchif fan too! :)

Anonymous said...

i do exactly the same thing. They are worth it. The seasons show never ends, well until 32*.

goatkeeper :)

Mamabooties said...

I think they are just beautiful. Don't know if you have been to the realm lately. But I am knocked up and Paul wants nothing to do with us right now. Go figure

Anonymous said...

Okay, the red ones are my all-time faves. We buy them every year. Added a big pot of peach double blossomed ones this year. Nyyeh, they're okay, but they're not red! As for the dinner-plate hibiscus, we had them put into the permanent landscaping three years ago and they are fabu! They are perennial! Same color as yours, though my original ones, years ago, were really pink. Thanks for sharing.

Quindigo said...

Sarah & Karen: my only wish is that they would come in purple.

Stephen: I have never had an orchid, oddly enough. I've heard they're kind of tempermental...

Kathleen: my show seems to be stopping early, since the kittens have found a way to pluck off the blooms, argh!

Leah: Hang in there, okay?

Anonymous said...

Definatly beautiful, I have lilies coming in right now that are simply breath taking! Thank you for the compliments on our newest edition. Shane calls her his "little tiger" since he calls our other cat, "little panther". Although I am still trying to figure out what is so "little" about 16 pound cat:)


Mildred Ratched said...

Great picture. I kept telling my mother that hibiscus won't grow outside in Northern Florida because the winters are too cold. She now has one in the backyard that is about 6 feet tall and that has been there for about 4 years. Damn plant made a liar out if me.

Quindigo said...

Goddess: a SIXTEEN pound cat? Keep an eye on that might make a decent snack ;)

Red Kitten: Yeah, I'm shocked it's so big, especially with all the crappy hurricane weather to top it off. I hope you inherited her green thumb...

kittycatlane said...

I love hibiscus too! You can winter that first one over in the house (in a pot). That second one even grows and survives winters here. I know they die back and most keep them covered, but every year my neighbors come back, and our winters are harsher that 'bama's.
More pics! lol BIG HUGS, Steph

Anonymous said...

If they didn't cost an arm and a leg in the winter, I would use them for my wedding flowers...But, I'll settle for the gerbera daisy...definitely pisses off my coordinator because it is SO cheap 100% of the year. :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your luck. I hate that shrub with a vengeance ! Here in the southern UK they don't die in the winter like they do in every other country, they keep growing and slowly take over your garden! I am sure they are a prettier version of Triffids or Bindweed...

Cheers FD