Friday, August 04, 2006

Flies on the windscreen

I'm thinking of becoming a professional flight-misser. Yes, this makes the FOURTH flight in a row that I have missed (by ten lousy minutes). When I called my friend to let her know I'd be a few hours late, she told me that she, too, has missed her last four flights! Serendipity, baby.

My slightly gross but perfectly legitimate excuse: I took the kittens outside to play before I left for Tallahassee, when I watched one of the them pooping in my flower garden, like he always does. As I grabbed the scooper, I noticed he had a butt full of long, white worms, squirming and making a break from his Alcatraz (Alcatr-ass?). I had to take him up to the vet, or I figured all nine cats would have them when I returned and that would be far worse to deal with. I was able to catch a later flight, for a slight fee of course.

There was no actual funeral while I was there - there had to be an autopsy since my friend's father fell while in a nursing home and the body hasn't been released yet. Apparently when you go to a nursing home, you sign over your assets, income, pension and everything you own to the blood-sucking bastards. He was there only one week before he died, but they now have everything of monetary value. And? If you don't have life insurance, think about getting some. It's an awful burden to leave on your family if you don't. While I can't say I'm "happy" I went, I feel relieved that I was able to go, mend our friendship and offer some support. It was one of the better decisions I've made.

My friend's entire family welcomed me, even in the midst of their mourning. Death's in German families seem to be similar to those in Irish families, with the addition of Mimosas for breakfast before the beer starts flowing at noon.


Anonymous said...

There are lambs for the slaughter

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could trick yourself into leaving early for your flights by crossing off the time on the tickets and penciling in an earlier time. Hey, it could work!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I've missed 2 in the past 4 months...dammitt.
Nursing homes...blood-sucking bastards is too good a label for them. I know all too well how they work....and it SUX and someone should DO something about it.


Mamabooties said...

I am glad no one in my family is close to dying that I know of, I am not sure I can take anything else right now.

Terri G said...

I always wondered what would happen if I missed my flight! Do they put you on a later plane? Are they nice to you at the ticket counter or are they mean just 'cuz you are late (again)? Do they charge a late fee? glad you got to go see your friend...I think I would like to join a family like that. Mimosas...mmmm!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I can leave a note now. (I was getting an error message before)

What's important is that you were there, that means more than words could ever express really. You're one hell of a friend. :)

Quindigo said...

Anonymous (Darren?): Death is everywhere.

Sher: part of the problem is that I live in a central time zone, the airports always seem to be in Eastern so I'm automatically an hour late when I leave...(well, and I'm a procrastinator, dammit)!

Melissa: thank goodness I have a son who will take care of me and all my cats ;)

Leah: I've been to WAY too many the past two years.

Terri: Yes, they will rebook for a fee ($50-100) unless you bought your initial ticket at a GREAT price on Expedia, then they'll charge you the difference PLUS the fee. And I still didn't get a snack!

Stephen: As long as somebody appreciates me! ;) (and yeah, I had all kinds of trouble with MSN this week - couldn't get into any Spaces. I guess part of the blogging challenge is dealing with glitches, blech!)

Haphazardkat said...


Anonymous said...

Yep. Worms...ew. How fortuitous that you enjoy watching the wee ones poop.

And I think the REALLY bad part about nursing homes is that the lion's share of the money they steal -- er, I mean, EARN -- from their residents goes directly to the adminstrative/owner conglomerate.

The people who REALLY do the work -- the aides who do the feeding, bathing, listening to the residents, all the while slowing ruining their backs for eternity -- typically make the grand wage of about $8-12 an hour here in the great Midwest.


I'm glad you went, too.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I KNEW there waS a reason peole have kids!
