Wednesday, August 09, 2006

And rudeness reared her butt-ugly head

Yesterday, Jessicunt had her mommy call to say she was sick and wouldn't be coming in to work, because obviously a twenty-seven year old with an upset tummy should be resting . Too bad it wasn't an old-fashioned, blistering case of ebola.

The first thing I do when I get to work each morning is feed my 15 stray cats with a wet/dry cat food mixture in plastic containers. I had the bowls balanced in my left hand, the water dish in the right, as I turned to walk outside. Jessicunt was coming from the opposite direction, but rather than wait for me to pass through the narrow aisleway, she kept approaching. Obviously at an impasse, I turned sideways to continue on my way, thinking how stupid it would be to stand in the break room holding cat food all day.
She snottily said, "Excuse you."
"Since I had my hands full, common sense would suggest you'd wait for me to get through," I replied.
"That's not important to me."
"Of course not."

I'm trying to ignore her childish behavior, but I need to let her stop pushing my buttons. I've decided to try laughing at her during her full throttle extravaganza bitchfests because nothing sucks venom out of sails like not being taken seriously. She's infuriating, unprofessional, negative and immature. Seriously. One of us has got to go, and it will be her.


Alke said...

How I hate such people. You should have "accidentaly" run into her, spilling catfood in her face when she came through the door. (No, I never do such things, I just have a lot of revenge fantasies)

Joy said...

yes, running into her would have been lovely. Unless she likes to smell like cat food. I use the laugh at them approach and it works so well! Just smile like you know something she doesn't. She'll be spending most of her time in the mirror checking to make sure she doesn't have a booger hangin.

Wiz's Wench said...

i wanna know do ya actually call her 'jessicunt' to her face? I think if ya say it in a sorta mumble, you could get away with it. Try it...come it!!!!

Mamabooties said...

You crack me up.

Sarah said...

jessicunt. I love it.

Anonymous said...

What a bitch - off with her head!

Anonymous said...

Given today's code orange alert, maybe you should have her try some experiments with peroxide and nail polish remover.

Anonymous said...

Casually call her Jessicunt to the big mouth who will repeate it, as well as take the credit. At least everyone will call her jessicunt.
I once did that with a co-worker who looked like big bird, everyone started calling him big bird. mission accomplished.


kittycatlane said...

OH yes, it WILL be her! (What can I do to help?) lol
I like the idea of dumping cat food on her, or her desk. Laughing at her is always a great one. Letting it slip that jessicunt is her nickname... you people are GOOD! You know damn well that once other's hear it, they are gonna use it. lol
You could always ask, with a very serious concerned look on your face (in front of others) that you missed her the other day, but hope that nasty herpes outbreak clears up soon. Just a thought. BIG HUGS, Steph

kittycatlane said...

You could always say... sheesh not ask

Anonymous said...

tehehe. In my stubbornness, I probably would have continued to stand right there in the middle of the hallway. I'm not in a hurry.