Monday, November 14, 2005

Office Space(d)

What should have been a three-day weekend filled with adventure, glamour and travel turned into a couple of days to catch up on work and clean up cat vomit instead. Yeah, I've got your champagne wishes.

I went into work Friday AND Saturday to get caught up and because we're having an office relocation project - moving around desks and personnel (you know, 'cause I don't move enough in my HOME LIFE). I took over the area of my coworker AmesJay's - sexual freak extraordinaire IT guy who likes to watch porn at work. Yes, I doused the area in Lysol and spermicide.

Apparently, there are other inappropriate things he enjoys at work. He had forgotten to remove his things from two drawers, so I was helpfully throwing all his crap in a box. Guess who had a ziploc baggy with marijuana in it? On a MILITARY INSTALLATION! Oy.

As an amusing sidenote, my mom gave me the "drug" talk with me when I was fifteen after she found catnip in my desk drawer.

Lesson: keep your hands in your own drawers.

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