Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tell me what you don't like about yourself...

Netflix should change its name to "does-this-couch-make-my-ass-look-huge" movie rental service.

Simple premise: watch a movie, mail it back, get another.

Not only do I get to watch the current season of my favorite lothario, scalpel-wielding Dr. Christian Troy of Nip/Tuck on tv, I get to watch all past seasons simply by walking* to the mailbox.

*Fine. By skipping to the mailbox. Happy?

A consummate bargain shopper, I'll buy anything on sale...turkey flavored protein shake, buy 1 get 1 free? Sign me up! I figured out that if I watch one DVD per week, I'll break even (although this logic is slightly flawed since I rarely rent movies, and it's not so much that I don't want to, it's that I forget to return them and can't afford the excessive late fees to get another).

On another flabby note: kudos to Madrid for making 18 the minimum Body Mass Index (BMI) for fashion week, which means a 6'0" model would have to weigh 135 lbs. to be in the show. Oversized heads on scrawny necks are so...yesterday.


Anonymous said...

you lost me at madrid, 18 and bmi.

Anonymous said...

According to the BMI, I'm about 35-40 pounds under-weight. Not for lack of trying mind you - just I can't gain to save my soul!

All those BMI charts in doctors offices should be ripped down and burned!

Anonymous said...

I too am a subscriber to Netflix. I also grabbed the nip/tuck series and a few others. Ahh modern conveinence at it's finest.

Bah, call me old fashion, but I like my women to have a little softness to them.

Mamabooties said...

I don't watch that show but every once in while on friday's when I am up late and can't sleep. But I loves me some Juillian Mcmannon. HE IS WAY HOT

monty said...

Re Madrid, read that a few days ago. Good idea I think.

If piranhas stripped the flesh from my bones my skeleton would still have a BMI above 18.

Ultra skinny women don't do it for me. I mean who (apart from Flavio Briatore) likes to buck a bag o' bones?

kittycatlane said...

I like him, OK, I like his mouth... other than that he seems to be made of plastic. He is pretty though.
Darren and Monty, you guys are great, and deserve some really hot sex!
Stephen.... Stephen, Stephen, Stephen.... I can't decide if I wanna kick your ass or have you come live with me so I can fatten you up. I'm still deciding! BIG HUGS, Steph
Netflix huh? Monday is my movie day and I usually watch 4 or 5, they rent for 99 cents on mondays, new and old ones.

kittycatlane said...

OH, If I met Mr. McMahon, I don't think I'd be able to resist saying... "You got a purdy mouth"

Haphazardkat said...

I rent from Netflix too :D
Right now I'm almost finished watching Boston Legal Season One.
LOVE that show! William Shatner aka Captain Kirk is fuggin hilarious!!!
"Danny Crane"
"Lock and Load"
"Who's your Daddy?"
"Hi. Danny Crane. I'm coocoo for cocoa puffs..."

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new setup, Indigo.

I like to get the 1 month of Netflix free trial, cancel it, and then start a new trial the next month. Fat and cheap.

Mamabooties said...

Woo Hoo, I have a BMI of 20.1. But do you think they would let pregnant woman on their runways in Madrid? I only have a slighly protruding belly, and well I outgrew all my bra's, so thats a good thing right?

Steph- you crack me up....

patresa hartman said...

6'0 and 135 lbs. geez, what a fatty.

netflix. i got netflix for the purpose of watchind DVDs in the basement while i'm on the treadmill. i have had the same DVD for over 2 weeks now. Season 3 of Sex and the City, Disc 1.

i have to work out to get my money's worth. that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, I'm a dolt. I think 135 pounds at 6' tall is just...foul-thin.

#1 Son was 6' and 130 pound, and I was told by several people that I should watch out for Social Services, because it looked like I was starving my kid. (They were kidding -- I think.) I would always tell them he was sporting the "retro-emaciated" look.

So do you think I'd have a chance? I'm 5'8 and weigh a scant 170 (at yesterday's dr. appt.) That must mean I'm REALLY model-worthy, right?


And Nip/Tuck. I watched ONE show of that (the first season, maybe?) and LOVED it. Suddenly, the channel that carried it disappeared from my horizon, and I've never seen it again. I honestly believe my life is less interesting because of it.

Could you lend me your DVD?

Anonymous said...

<--Nip/Tuck addict...Rescue Me, too. I haven't gotten a good fix forever! Who was the Carver, anyway?
