I said, "Insanity, your honour. Who in their right mind would park in the passing lane?"
- Stephen Wright
Same location (near my old house) on the same road (84-E), with the same weather (crappy late afternoon rain storm) as last year when the Bronco flipped over the median. Welcome to my déjà vu.
Not much on my mind, other than hypocrites and puritanical sensibilities, as I cruised along, hoping I wouldn't be too late for my dentist appointment. I played with my sunglass a bit, unable to decide if the clouds looked better darker. Lighter. Darker. Lighter. I noticed the car in front of me stopping suddenly, and quickly pressed down my own brake pedal as hard as I could. The anti-lock brakes worked like a charm as I skipped along the wet pavement, stopping approximately one inch from the car in front of me. PHEW!
My relief, however, was short-lived, as I glanced in my rear-view mirror and noticed the truck behind me, a Ford Ranger, was not having such an easy, stop-on-a-dime time with her brakes. She collided into my back end, pushing me into the car in front of me. Then again, with a jolt of the car forward and back, as another truck hit HER from behind. Domino Dancing in a six-cylinder.
The officer on a Harley eventually arrived, and we drove under the canopy at the Shell gas station so he wouldn't get wet (think Eric Estrada...plus 80 pounds). No one was hurt, fortunately, so he took the reports, while we joked and laughed and talked about how crazy hydroplaning was. I told them next time I was in a four car pile-up, I wanted to be at the front, in a truck, because my car was the vehicle that sustained the most damage.
What struck me most was that there didn't seem to be any anger or flying accusations. I don't know how the police report will read or fingers will be pointed, or if it really matters, but the woman that hit me apologized profusely. Repeatedly.
I'm from a no-fault insurance state (Michigan) so it's relatively simple: my insurance pays my damage, yours pays for you. Here? I'm not exactly sure how it works, and it all seemed to be rather hush-hush when I talked to my insurance agent on the phone, "Oh, I can't legally tell you who will pay the deductible, or if it falls under the collision portion of the policy."
This was the first accident I've had in over twenty years, so now I feel like I'm in a fancy restraurant with lots of people, waiting to see who picks up the bill.
How strange. Maybe the insurance person could hand you over to someone who is not your insurance person and that person could explain.
I hate those accident moments when you are perfectly safe, but then you can see that you are about to get hit. That's never any fun.
... what's "insurance"?
I'm so glad you are ok! I remember avoiding an accident like that when I realized that the person behind me was going too fast while I was standing on my brakes, I swerved over in the median and watched as the car behind me finally stopped beside my back door. Her passanger gave me the two thumbs up once we all started going again. (I don't know how I did all those things at once without coffee at 7 a.m. in the morning, call it a combination of an awesome all wheel drive car and true love for such a beast.)
Did you post your Raining cats and broncos before the accident? If so that's just weird!
In INdiana, it would have ALL been HER fault (the woman behind you). She would pick up the entire tab. Trust me, I have been in two wrecks, both of which I rearended someone and trust me, I paid - dearly!
I am glad you are OK!!
In NC it would be the woman's fault who hit you as well, under the heading of something like "driving too fast for road conditions." Hope your okay.. sometimes it takes a few days to get all achy and stiff.
I can remember the only time I got rear ended, the girl said she couldn't see the traffic in front of me because my windows were to dark. I laughed at her. She was in a white mustang and I waas in a cavalier. (duh same size, not to mention hello I have brake lights). My friend ended up getting whiplash really bad and needed the EMT ( I think she over reacted) and I was just scared, but ok. And thank fully no kids. That car later got destroyed when Paul wreaked it, and thank god he didn't have my son because the back seat came unhinged from the frame. And my son would have been hurt. Glad you are ok.
Ha ha ha, Monty!
Thrilled to hear everyone was alright. I hope the insurance shit goes through quickly. What a pain in the ass.
I am so glad you are ok and everybody else was not hurt too. Accidents are never fun, especially on rainy days and then getting your (pretty by the way) car messed up. That sucks. Insurance is frustrating. I hope you hear something soon.
I was off work today and I am quite thankful as I woke up with a sore throat and cold.
So glad you are okay and that you had an easy going atmosphere to give Officer Estrada his report in.
In Colorado, it is the last in line's fault...ugh!
Well, I'm glad you are OK! I just can't believe the agent couldn't tell you anything! That would make me nervous! I mean YOU pay the premiums, why in the world can't they give you an answer... Insurance... it has it's own vocab. just so we don't really know what they are doing/saying. BIG HUGS, Steph
I tried commenting yesterday and this thing gave me shit. Grrrrr!!!
I'm glad you weren't hurt and that things didn't get crazy with people tossing blame everywhere. Sucks though that you got stuck in the middle.
Hope you have a better weekend than your week was!!!
Hugs -
Glad to hear your okay. It's rare to be in a situation where there's any cost involved and people are still nice to each other. It's good to here that the world or at least michigan has regained sanity.
oh uh. that sucks.
BUT actually kind of cool that everyone was so levelheaded about it. i mean, don't you think that's kind of encouraging, from a humanity-perspective?
WTF? I leave blogland for a few days and find your world has spun crazily outta the normal realm!
I'm glad you are OK!
Angel kats were watching out for you :)
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