Monday, September 18, 2006

Dial A for Accessory

I cleaned out the storage shed at work today and had two half-full containers of antifreeze (or two half-empty, depending on which metaphorical glass from which you drink) on my desk. Jessicunt, who intermittently breaks her silent treatment to me when she needs something, asked if she could take them.

I happen to know, from eavesdropping on her phone conversation last week, that a neighbor's pitbull attacked and killed their dog. Her dad went to confront the neighbor, who wasn't home, and fired his rifle at the beast as he was leaving. Apparently the gun had turkey pellets instead of bullets, which didn't kill the dog (because the ammo sprays out), so she needs the antifreeze to poison it. it me? What the HELL is wrong with rednecks?!


Anonymous said...

Did she not report that her dog was attacked and killed by another dog? Here, the killing dog would have been picked up and put to sleep. Could ponder giving her the antifreeze then calling and reporting her.

Mamabooties said...

Yeah people whose dogs attack other dogs or animals get cited as well. Why would you poison a dog. WTF is wrong with people.

Anonymous said...

Surely, you didn't give her the antifreeze.

monty said...

That sort of stuff'll just make sure a pit bull keeps going all winter (after a massive hangover and nonchalantly weeing all over her flower beds).

Quindigo said...

Sher and Leah: they don't have any actual proof, just some bite marks around the now-deceased dog, and apparently since they live outside the city limits, the leash laws don't pertain (?). I really need to eavesdrop better.

Jock: I told her I wasn't sure how good it was, and to try adding some in her coffee this morning to make sure it hadn't "gone bad".

Monty: See, that's why I would have just made him a bloody mary.

Haphazardkat said...

You work in the Twi-light Zone :|

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is wrong with these people. You work with a real interesting bunch, my GAWD their crazier than I'll ever attempt to be.

When Zeus eat my brothers neighbor's rooster, I just told him "Good boy" and removed what was left from the back yard. :)

Anonymous said...

I say give her the anti-freeze...

...put it in her coffee, sort of like that postal worker dude in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Orrrrrrrrr, you could tell her to dab a little of the antifreeze behind her ears and knees, then knock on the neighbor's door and ask to speak to the dog that killed her pet.

I believe the Jessicunt meat would dilute the antifreeze so the pitbull would be unharmed, and poof! no more Jess...

Otherwise, maybe a shovel upside the head?

rainthrower said...

that is scary.. violence isn't acceptable from an animal, or to an animal.. it would be great if the people of both animals were held accountable in some way, and accept the responsibility due them.
hope you and the kid are well..tree

kittycatlane said...

I really love the idea of putting it in her coffee. BIG HUGS, Steph

Anonymous said...

so...Jessicunt (yay! I said it!) asks YOU, her greatest admirer for the weapon that she will use to commit a ghastly, painful murder?!

stooopid girl.

Have I already told you that I don't like her?

Michelle said...

Yikes!I live in redneck land too and it is quite scary at times, the words that you hear around you. :-/

I don't understand how people can hurt animals. :(


Anonymous said...

You should try the old Dolly Parton 9 to 5 poison in the coffee trick on her.