A major SUCKAH for cats, I accidentally ended up with six at home after one disappeared (read here). And at work? I've been feeding an average of ten cats since around October, when we discovered abandoned kittens under one of our storage units. That number has steadily increased, and with the birth of a few more batches, it's up to around twenty. About two weeks ago, I saw a cute little kitten with one brown eye, one blue, and named her Bowie. She was one of the more tame ones, occasionally allowing me to pet her.
When I went in Saturday morning, I noticed her brown eye was closed, with pus and drainage making it impossible for her to open it, so I drove her over to my veternarian, who said it could be a viral or bacterial infection that's caused such a deep lesion. He gave me antibiotics for the eye, antifungal for her ringworm, told me to keep her separated from my animals if I was taking her home, then bring her back Tuesday to see if she's improving.
She looked so lost and pathetic, sitting in the cat carrier in my bathroom by herself, but I didn't want to take her back to work since I have to give her medicine four times a day. I did the only logical thing: went back to work and nabbed her sister. The two of them are living like fat cats.
Captive audience:

Very cute pic. I hope you've got good neighbours cuz if your kitty population keeps on expanding you just know that some idiot is going to complain.
Your dog looks absolutely thrilled...
you are now the "official" crazy cat woman! :D
Can't have too many kitty's!!!!
You have such a soft spot! :)
I have been wanting to go to the pound and save a stray, but figure I'd end up wanting to take them all home - which I could not handle!
Hope the little critter is feeling better soon!
Lorna: they stay in the backyard with me, fortunately, so the neighbors will have to comlain about my son's loud music instead ;)
Mike: a new chew toy!
Kat: Pffffft. I'm just waiting for some sort of crown...
Stephen: Such a soft spot in my head, you mean! (and I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I would do the same thing and end up with my own zoo).
&circ &circ
I couldn't do it.
Your heart is sooooo huge! Amazing.
(I love this song, btw...have you heard the live version on Secret World Live Tour?)
Great...all of a sudden, the only thing that will ever make me happy again is a kitten. Oh dear.
OH I'm so glad you went and got her sister! I wish I could give you a huge hug Indi. Knowing how kind and special you are to these little ones just makes me wanna squeeze the stuffin out of you! Please don't ever feel bad for being compassionate. I wish more people were (to each other and to animals). If you weren't female I'd come screw your brains out, just to show you how great I think you are! LOL BIG HUGS, Steph
OH on the strays that you are feeding. We have a program here where they catch the strays, fix them and then take them back to where they were caught. That way they can continue to live where they are at home and comfortable, but will not keep having kittens. BIG HUGS, Steph
How are you finding time to blog?
Dwayne: of course you could ;)
Terri: it doesn't sound familiar to me, but have you heard Sarah McLachlan's version? I'll have to dig it out for you...and I believe two kittens would make you twice as happy!
Steph: Nothing says love like a big screwin';) And I looked into a feral release program, thinking there should be one since it's a military base and A LOT of families leave pets behind when moving overseas, etc., but they told me to bring them in and they'd put them up for adoption (what part of wild do they not get?) and then put them down if no one took them. So they asked specifically where I worked, but I didn't tell them. Stupid federal government. Guess training for wars is more important for veterinarians.
Sarah: I'm squeezing the blogging in when I sit in the backyard with them...but the housework? Not so much.
I'm not sure what to say.
That's...a lot of cats.
And people think *I'm* nuts because I have four kids.
You need to go on one of those cat-food websites and fill out some questionnaire, alerting them to your beneficence. They will then send you thousands of dollars worth of coupons, then ad execs from a NY agency will fly to your home to film you and your litter for a TV commercial.
I know it's true, because my ex-husband's wife just did it for their damn dogs. I was fine until the 10th time she said, "They just LOVED our house and our yard and the boys!"
And here's what I was hearing: "Boy, it sucks to be you! You used to LIVE in this beautiful house and you used to OWN this beautiful yard, and now I'm telling everyone on television that even these beautiful BOYS are mine!"
But I was having a bad day.
-you have mail-
it is what I could come up with real quickly. I think it is some of FLC's favorite shirts.
You did NOT take all your stupid pills. I found a couple and swallowed them. Why else would it have taken me nearly three weeks to actually SEE the link to your new site? Looked at it. Read it. Never saw it until today. Guess I'm not even as smart as a CAT! Great photos!!!
as stephen said: "you have such a soft spot." yep. in your head.
won't be long until you've caught up with me.
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