I know a wonderful man on the internet who is losing kittens left and right to some lethal, extremely contagious virus and my heart is aching for him as he holds his dying darlings. He deserves more than what little I offer and give.
My bipolar, somewhat crazy, sometimes soulmate, friend that I met in Basic Training (in 1987, 'cause I'm old like that), lost her father this morning. We had a falling out about six months ago so I haven't been there for her, but I know she must be devastated.
I feel helpless, isolated, and frustrated. I have no words, can offer no solace, feel this overwhelming sense of loss for my friends, yet know it's nothing compared to what they're going through (turns out I don't care about ending sentences with prepostions, either, so there).
...it hurts to watch those you love (and once loved) be in pain. Especially when there doesn't seem to be a way to reach out to them with the correct measure of comfort. I am sorry for your friend's loss.
One more thing - your wonderful friend with the dying kittens? I thought about him all day. It is disconcerting to care so much about a stranger...
quiet thoughts today
People who do not blog can never understand the connection one can have with "strangers".
I have 23 people who's lives I visit every day through blogland. I fret when they fret, laugh when they laugh and cry when bad things happen to them.
It's a strange...strange world.
Here's hoping you and Jock can both catch a break with all of your kitties soon...
Not cool... I hope that Jock and yourself can find some comfort in knowing that you are helping the lives of those kitties, even when the bad comes along...
I had not imagined that blogging would make such a difference in my life. seeing inside the lives of people I would/will never meet. seeing in their souls, having them see mine. It has made me think differently and it makes me want to write. So that's what I do. I miss Jock, I hope he comes back. We've all been through hard times. If he only knew how much we cared. Even if he rants every day....
Terri: I don't do "helpless" very well, I'm afraid. I can't fathom either of their losses...
Darren: quiet thoughts indeed. Blogworld needs a quiet hug button or something, too, don't you think?
Kat: I feel closer to all of you than any of my neighbors. I'm sure they have their ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but they don't share.
Mike & JP: I keep trying to tell him about the cat lives he's saved over the years, but I think losing a kitten a day is too overwhelming for him right now.
Candy: The power of blogging - it's hard to believe, isn't it? I truthfully worry about people when they're not around for a few days, and I will definitely pass along any messages to Jock.
You do what you feel you need to do. Being there is more important than a falling out/disagreement that happend in the past. You're quite a freind, but I already knew this. :)
Send a card to your friend. Then she knows you are there to be contacted.
And the cats? my heart hurts.
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