Saturday, November 26, 2005

Virgin Turkey Chef

Confession: I'd never cooked a turkey before Thursday (or baked a ham or ever made a roast - basically I cook chicken or hamburger). During my marriage, my ex- cooked the "meat", while I made/burnt all the go-withs. Granted, it wasn't that difficult, but a round of applause here might be appropriate - I DID IT!

I prepped, cooked and baked all morning (the kittens like to wake up around 5 a.m. and there's no way to sleep through four sets of paws barrelling up and down the hallway), took a shower and put on clean pyjamas (why bother with buttons?). Then my son & I commenced feasting, washing it all down with a watermelon Bacardi Breezer in a fancy wine glass.

Today, I'm feeling kind of cocky - I may bake a ham.

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